About Us

Polish Society of Pharmacovigilance has been established to undertake initiatives and activities and to promote behaviors that help implementing and developing ethical and reliable principles in monitoring the safety of medicinal products, medical devices, food products, biocidal products, and cosmetic products.

It is our goal to create a climate of trust and respect for institutions and individuals participating in the system of pharmacovigilance.

We are committed to promoting the principles of pharmacovigilance, as well as actively participating in the development of this science.

Our ambition is to create the association of experts and opinion-leading professionals in pharmacovigilance. We want to establish a possible broad forum for discussion and exchange of opinions among experts in pharmacovigilance and to provide organizational and in-kind support for individuals and institutions who undertake such activities.

The information contained on this website reflects the opinion of a group of experts specialized in pharmacovigilance. The authors of this website do not claim responsibility for the legal consequences of actions of persons who will use the information contained on this website in any way.